“One of the most comprehensive and thorough professional homeopathic training programs in the US.”
— Kelly Callahan, 1M: A Homeopath's Podcast
“As a retired pharmacist, I can say that learning homeopathy, at the level it is taught in this program, is beyond what I could even imagine. You will learn that homeopathy is not simply an alternative healing modality but moreover a beautiful means to connect deeply within you in an effort to prepare yourself to be fully present to others as a homeopath. ”
— Micheline, NAH Graduate
“The program at NAH is unparalleled. You can’t find this quality of hands-on experience combined with knowledge from modern masters anywhere else.”
— Pam, NAH Graduate
“This program is a very well planned out preparation for Homeopathic practice... I have a wonderful foundation and I know I’ll continue to grow from here. I am so grateful for that constant growth.”
— Sharon, RN and NAH Graduate
“If you’re someone like me, and you have a passion for healing others, or you’re curious about the world around you and want to make it a better place, Homeopathy is where you belong, and this school is an amazing place to start.”
— Katie, NAH Graduate
“In my particular experience, I felt like I found my people. Coming to school and completely fitting in, not having to try to explain or try to make sense of things for someone else. Just the feeling of, ‘Wow, I feel really comfortable here.’”
— Stacy, Craniosacral Therapist and Nah Graduate
“Underneath all of it I knew this was coming from somewhere, and I wanted to learn a different healing modality that gets to the root of the problem… In the end, Homeopathy found me.”
— Beth, RN and NAH Graduate
“I looked at many different accredited homeopathy programs before choosing to go with NAH. The director took the time to go over many aspects of the school and help me understand exactly what I was going to learn and what made this program different from others. As a student, I have already learned a lot in such a short amount of time. What you won’t find elsewhere is the hands on student clinic! The ability to work in the clinic as a practitioner, but also be able to be a patient to see it from both sides has been invaluable. ”