Your Journey Starts Here
You’ve been dreaming about diving into a career that is deep and life-changing. You’re in the right place. Learn more about our rigorous and rewarding 4-year, part-time program and get ready for the most transformative journey of your life.
Application and Acceptance
The application process includes:
Application (which includes two essays) - link below
Previous academic transcripts, send to info@homeovista.org
Three letters of academic or professional references (link to Reference form )
Application fee - invoice sent to your email
Half-hour interview with one of our faculty members will be schedule once all the above is received
We accept motivated and talented students from diverse backgrounds; previous training in a healthcare field is not mandatory. However, it is required that students complete at least two years of college level courses (60 hours) at an accredited institution before entering this program. Some students may be considered for admission without meeting this requirement at the school’s discretion.
Situations which may allow for an exemption to the 60-hour admission requirement:
The hours were completed at a non-accredited institution, but are considered comparable to an accredited school
The student is simultaneously enrolled at another institution which would allow them to complete the hours during enrollment in our program
The NAH faculty consider an applicant’s self study/accomplishments comparable to at least 60 hours of academic learning
NAH reserves the right to delay admission until references have been checked. The Admissions Committee has the final authority to refuse admission to any student whom they feel would not be able to meet the high standards of competence and practice demanded by the profession of classical homeopathy. These standards are clearly delineated by the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH), a national professional organization. Probationary admission may be granted to students who are lacking the desired qualifications but for whom there are exceptional circumstances. It should be noted that the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy abides by all state and federal non-discrimination guidelines in admitting students.
Ready to Apply?
Please fill out the details below and then you can continue to your application!
Please complete the online application linked from this page.
Please note; there are two essay prompts within the application. You may create your essays in a word-processing document then paste your essay responses into the online application.
Essay one:
Homeopathy, as a profession, presents many challenges and opportunities. Homeopathy requires assiduous study and reflection, scrupulous adherence to principles, a well-honed ability to elicit and understand the core of human suffering and courage to build a practice in a skeptical society. Please explain why you want to be a homeopath.
Essay two:
Becoming a homeopath requires considerable resources -- financial and personal. Tuition is approximately $6,600 per year plus the cost of books and supplies. Approximately 10-12 hours of study time per week is required outside of class/clinic time. Upon finishing the 4-year academic and clinical training program in classical homeopathy, it will take time to build a practice and achieve financial rewards. Considering your family, your financial reserves, your health, your job situation and other commitments, how are you going to accomplish this? Please be specific.
Once the form is complete, we will wait for your transcript(s) and letters of recommendation before invoicing you for the $110 application fee and scheduling an interview.
If you have any questions, please to not hesitate to reach out.
Email: office@homeopathictraining.org Phone: 612-584-3850