Community, Education, Connection
Here you’ll find all the benefits you get from becoming a member of NAH’s Advanced Education Program.
Monthly Classes
The main focus of creating The Second Dose was to bring our community together to learn and grow. We wanted an environment where students and practicing Homeopaths could inspire and enlighten each other, to connect with and support one another.
If you check out our calendar you’ll be able to view upcoming classes, events, and conferences to choose from. Our options range from study groups to case presentations to materia medica and more. Alumni will also have the opportunity to sit in on select lectures.
Since we’re all about curiosity, if you’re wondering about a particular topic or have an idea for a class, please submit it here!
Online Accessibility
Although we love the idea of having a bunch of passionate Homeopaths in one room — you know the energy we’re talking about — we realize that not everyone is able to make it in-person for classes and events. At NAH we’re fortunate enough to be able to extend our HIPAA-compliant Zoom account to our members. Just create an account or use the one you already have and you’ll be able to attend any of our select events live!
Click below to create an account or login to Zoom.
Recordings and More
We know that sometimes there will be a schedule conflict and you won’t be able to make it to a class or event. That’s why we’re happy to inform you that you can access any and all recordings through Vimeo. Once you’ve signed up as a member, you’ll be able to view class recordings plus additional bonus recordings on our Vimeo page! Click the link below for access.
Mentorship Program
Our mentorship program is available to any members who would like to meet established practitioners and ask any burning questions you might have about professional practice. You can meet with a practitioner for lunch or even shadow them for a day.
On our Membership Program page, we’ve provided a directory of homeopaths who are passionate about their practice and eager to offer you a chance to learn from them.